Source code for errors

#! coding=utf-8
"""DigitalOcean APIv2 client errors module"""
__author__ = "Sriram Velamur<>"
__all__ = ("APIAuthError", "InvalidArgumentError",
           "APIError", "NetworkError")

import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

class BaseError(BaseException):

    DigitalOcean APIv2 base error class.
    Derived error classes need to specify their error message prefix.
    If a child class fails to provide a prefix property,
    prefix defaults to DOClient::GeneralError

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not args:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid invocation")
        message = args[0]
        prefix = getattr(self, "prefix", "GeneralError")
        message = "DOClient::{0} {1}: ".format(prefix, message)
        args = (message,)
        super(BaseError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class APIAuthError(BaseError): r""" DigitalOcean APIv2 authentication error class. Raised when client initialization receives a HTTP 401 from the API. Client init requests for list of instances associated with the account. """ prefix = "APIAuthError"
[docs]class InvalidArgumentError(BaseError): r""" DigitalOcean APIv2 method arugment error class. Raised when a method receives an invalid, empty, or type mismatching value for an arugment. """ prefix = "InvalidArgumentError"
[docs]class APIError(BaseError): r""" DigitalOcean APIv2 generic API error class. Raised when a failure response is received from the API that is not an authentication related one. """ prefix = "APIError"
[docs]class NetworkError(BaseError): r""" DigitalOcean APIv2 client fallback network error class. Raised when requests library encounters a network error while attempting to contact the DigitalOcean API. """ prefix = "NetworkError"